Snapshot … Ephesus

Time for a change of travel destination for today’s post … how does Turkey sound? Good? Excellent! I’m glad we all agree. Given that today requires me to write about something starting with E, let’s start at Ephesus. As someone who has a Masters in history, any site, anywhere in the world, that can give me a dose of something historical is going to be on my bucket list. Although, technically speaking, I don’t actually have a bucket list because frankly, anywhere I haven’t been would be on it šŸ™‚ But I digress …

The column lined street of Ephesus
The goddess Nike

Ephesus is located in western Turkey, not right on the shores of the beautiful Mediterranean Sea but not too far inland. It’s an ancient city with a seriously lengthy history. Although the city itself was founded sometime in the 10th Century, archaeologists have discovered evidence that the area was inhabited by people in both the neolithic and bronze age, not surprisingĀ when you consider its relative proximity to theĀ ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt. The site also boasts connections to other great civilizations … founded by the Greeks and still in existence as a major hub during the Roman Empire.

The Temple of Hadrian


Library of Celsus

As you stroll down column lined, paved streets you will find yourself surrounded by the ruins (or reconstructed ruins) of many different buildings, bath houses, temples, sculptures and statues. At one point you will come across a modern structure on your left – upon entering this site you will be able to see the excavated remains of terraced houses. At the end of the main road, there is a large ornateĀ Roman ruin … it’s the reconstructed facade of the Library of Celsus. Continuing around to your right is the impressive amphitheatre. As if Ephesus wasn’t magnificent enough, as you leave the site, not far away, you will come across what appears to be a vast empty expanse of land. Green and damp, littered with some large marble blocks and a lone pillar. This is all that remains of the Temple of Artemis, one of the original Seven Wonders of the World* after it was ultimately destroyed by fire.

The amphitheatre
Leaving Ephesus
All that remains of the Temple of Artemis


*For those who are interested, the other sites making up the original Seven Wonders are The Great Pyramid of Giza, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, The Colossus of Rhodes, The Statue of Zeus, The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, and The Lighthouse/Pharos at Alexandria.

This post makes up part of my contribution to theĀ A-Z Challenge for April 2016

ClickĀ hereĀ for a link to all my challenge posts!


26 thoughts on “Snapshot … Ephesus”

  1. I love the journeys that you take us on Kim. This one on Ephesus was fascinating. I too am interested in history so I think I’ve just added another destination to my bucket list. E is for Exceptional.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Miriam! I’m so glad it piqued your interest. What else is on your bucket list?
      Turkey has an incredible amount of history. Pretty easy to spend 2-3 weeks travelling around that country, which is what I did. And then I added a week in Jordan – which is one of my top-3 favourite destinations šŸ™‚

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      1. Turkey, Egypt, Canada, back to Italy and France, parts of Australia I haven’t yet visited … the list goes on and on Kim. I feel a bit like you, anywhere I haven’t been I’d like to go but it’s not so easy with family commitments. Still, that’s okay. We do what we can. šŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      2. The never ending list! Yes, mine is the same. There’s so much to see and then of course there’s the desire to revisit the places we love. You’re right though, we do what we can šŸ™‚
        I love your posts on Australia. They remind me every time I read them that I’m overdue for some domestic trips šŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thanks Kim, for me now it’s just the domestic trips, which I do love. Later maybe more overseas trips. Loving your A-Z blogging posts, by the way. šŸ™‚

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    1. Thank you! It’s definitely worth a visit, Daisy. If you enjoy discovering places with a lengthy and varied history, it’s for you. There’s a staggering amount to see!
      And I’m definitely a travel junkie. I’d be on the move constantly if it weren’t for that little issue of money lol šŸ™‚


    1. Excellent point, Betty! It must have been quite a spectacular sight back then. I’m glad you enjoyed it, especially if you’re not likely to visit it other than in a virtual sense šŸ™‚


  2. It’s so funny to read that “everywhere” is on the bucket list! šŸ˜€ I am tempted to say the same, but I could probably cut it down to 100 places or so… perhaps doable in a lifetime, who knows? šŸ™‚ Great photos!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree, “everywhere” is perhaps an exaggeration. After writing this post, I wrote up a proper bucket list page and saved it on my blog – in the end there weren’t that many places on it!! But I’m sure I’ll add more as I continue my travels. 100 is hopefully doable in a lifetime! šŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, I should write one, too! What a great idea. I will look at yours later on, will be fun to see how many places may be the same.. Thanks for reminding me, should have written such a list ages ago. šŸ™‚

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      1. Keep ’em coming! Glad u are writing more of these! And the pictures are all spectacular! You are very talented both in writing and photography! Thanks for sharing and taking us, your readers, to places we have never been

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